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    Art & Fake

    Real artworks for fake artists, "L'art et le faux", 2008

    The book "L’art et le faux" is a thematic essay published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition I presented in October 2008 at the André Malraux Cultural Center in Le Pecq. I approached it as an academic investigation into the notion of the fake, historically examining imitation, copying, and deception in their relationship to art.

    Beyond the theoretical work I conducted, this publishing project gave me the opportunity to put these reflections into practice. Specifically, I produced various artworks that addressed the issues explored in each chapter, integrating them into the illustration corpus as relevant references.

    To do so, I associated each of these series with fictitious artists, inventing biographies and unique approaches for them and assigning them anagrams of my own name. The whole project was ultimately presented as a group exhibition.

    Discover the book edited for this "collective" exhibition :

    L'art et le faux, 2008

    pdf version - print version

    Copyright Alexandre Eudier ©
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